Sunday 22 September 2013

Men V.S. Women

I was walking with some friends the other day, and we got on the subject of sexism. there were three males and one female.

now, I will not go into what was said there too much but it got me thinking. Sexism is way blown out these days, especially in movies (which affect the real world). people seem to think that saying that Men and women are different is sexist. Well, they are wrong, or sexism is not a bad thing.

The way I see it is if we are the same, then why can we even tell the difference between the two genders? it isn't like the doctor put a blue or pink ribbon on our wrists when we were born and arbitrarily called us man and woman. we are different, there is no doubt, even if it is merely the external physical structure.

now that we have that to agree on, time to get controversial. we are different in more than just fissile appearance. mails have a tendency of being stronger, more focused, have a heightened leadership ability and are better at controlling emotions. females are usually more caring, are better at multitasking, and are a great support.

where we get the problem of "real sexism" is when we start saying that men are better than women because we are stronger, or women are better because they can multitask better. well fiddlestix, women and men may be different, but one is not better than the other. men are better at some things and women are better at others. for instance, women should not fight in war, they are not naturally made to be effective in that field. and men should not be the mom of the house, we just do not have the brains to do it.

now, the last time I said this to people of an overly opposing opinion (most notably a woman who thought that she could do anything a man could do and that generalisations are generally bad) they said that they knew some buf girls and some emotional men. Well of course you have. this is not an absolute thing, that all men must be strong, and all women must be emotional, just that they have those tendencies.

so to recap, men are not women. we are very different, yet we are still equal. ~=

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